Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
4 Match sentences 1 to 10 with sentences a toj.
a Giving up maths is quite an important
b Could you possibly give me a hand with these
c Well done, you've worked very hard for the
past hour.
d I think we should get together and talk about
our presentation before we do it in class.
e You've done a lot of work, and I think you are
ready for the exam.
f Would you min d staying behind for a few
g I've got a really bad headaehe.
h We've kieked the balI into one of the gardens
over there.
I'm sorry I behaved so badly.
You should be able to see the eells if you use
the mieroseope properly.

1 I don't think you should worry about it.
2 I think you should have another look.
3 I won't do it again.
4 I'd like to have a word with you about
5 Yes of course. Where do you want me to
put them?
6 Shall I climb over the wall and get it?
7 Would you like a break now?
8 May I go out for a few minutes?
9 If I we re you, I'd talk to your parents
about it.
10 Why don't we meet before sehool


5 Rewrite the sentence 50 that it contains the word in capitals.
a Do you min d if I keep my eoat on?
.. ..all ..riqh.l ..i:f ..l..k:e.e..p ..J\AIj ..c.oal ..ol'l.?.
b Do you want me to give out the books?

c If I we re you, I'd buy a dietionary.

d Can you share with Mary?

e Why don't we play volleybalI for a ehange?

f I promise not to forget my homework.

g Could you explain what this means?

h I think you should read it again.

Do I have your permission to leave the room?

I wouldn't toueh that if I we re you.










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