Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

countable and uncountable

  • most nouns add -s to form the piurai

  • there are irregular nouns likeman/men, knife /knives, life//ives, /oaf//oaves, person /peop/e,
    chi/d/chi/dren, mouse/mice

  • some nouns likesheep, fish,aircra ftdo not normally add piurai -s

  • some nouns are always piurai and have no singular form: c/othes (c/oth is a materia I),be/ongings,
    congratu/ations, goods, stairs, surroundings, thanks

  • many nouns are uncountable, and do not have piurai-s,or have a different meaning when
    countable or uncountable. Uncountable nouns normally use a singular verb.
    countable trees uncountable e/ectricity
    countable woods (smali forests) uncountable wood (material)

  • many nouns have an uncountable generai meaning, and a countable particular meaning which can
    have piurai-s
    general Few peop/e are in favour of war.
    particular There have been severa/ wars between the twa countries.

  • most uncountable nouns are things which we c1earlycannot count. We use zero article, orsame.

Grains etc Gas, liquid, materialironf/aurwatersugarpapercoffee airrice
Abstract ideas

timefunpeace hea/th

couragepityboredom anger

researchbehaviourwark trave/

Other com mon nouns which do not normally have piurai-s,and use a singular verb:
accommodation, advice, cash, c/othing, equipment, experience, furniture, hair,
information, know/edge, /uggage, money, rubbish, scenery, traffic, weather, wark

  • note changes of meaning when uncountable nouns are used as countables with a / an (see Unit31),
    and can have plurals
    The doctor had many years of experience. (knowledge of life)
    He/en hadabad experience at her /ast schoo/.(something that happens to you)
    Many peop/e here are /ooking for work. Qobs)
    This isawork of1926.(a work of art: a painting etc)
    Can you buyapap er?(a newspaper)
    Wehadagood time last nighf. (when you do something)
    There ;sahair in my soup!(a single one)
    Other countables with specific meaning:
    an iron an object used to make clothes smooth
    a coffee, a beer etc a cup or glass etc of a liquid

  • some uncountable nouns have a different countable word
    bread -aloaf
    money -anote, acoin
    trave/ -ajourney, atrip

/uggage -abag,acase
wark -ajob
accommodation -aroom, afiat etc


  • many uncountable nouns have a scientific or technical use in countable form. Always use your
    dictionary to check which meaning is being used.
    Sugars are a/sa c/assified by the number of carbons they contain.

singular nouns ending in -5 piurai
Some nouns end in a piurai-sbut have no singular, and have a singular verb.
the news mains electricity mathematics /physics /economics
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