Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Rewrite the underlined words as a phrase with of.You may have to change piurai and
singular forms.

Theaair temperature in a cloud determines brain and snow formation. In tropical areas where the c c10ud
temperature is mainly aboveQOC,rain is formed by a process calledcoalescence.The c10uds are made up of
millions of d water dropiets, and as these droplets collide, they form larger dropiets. Gradually the e droplet
size increases until they are too heavy to be kept in the air byfair currents, and fali as g raindrops. In cooler
areas, c10uds may stretch up into air which is below freezing. These c10uds are a mixture of water droplets
lower down, and h ice crystals and special supercooled water droplets higher up. The supercooled droplets
exist as water even though the temperature is below freezing.As well as coalescence at the bottom, a process
calledaccretion happens higher up in these clouds. The ice crystals attract the supercooled dropiets, which
freeze onto them.As the crystals growand stick to others, isnowflakes form.When they become too heavy
to be held up, they falI.

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a thetecn-tpeccelucecHQ+lheceir.. f
b the ... g
c the.H the h

4 Make a noun + noun compound using two of the words. You may have to change a word
from piuraI to singular.


a the same temperature as there is in the room
b fumes which come from exhausts
c salts which come from mineraIs
d chemicaIs present in food
e generations which will exist in the future
f disease suffered by the heart
g a solution of salt
h pollution carried in the air
change in the climate
a bill you receive for your use of electricity

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