Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

quantity: same, any

Usesame (Seealso Unit 27)

  • with piurai countable nouns, and uncountable nouns in positive sentences.
    There are some books in that cupboard.
    I need someadvice.

  • in questions that are invitations, offers or requests.
    Would you like somepizza?
    Cou/d you givemesome advice?

  • in questions when we expect the answeryes.
    Have you got some homework to give me?

  • to mean 'not all'.
    Someof the people /Some people were drowned, but others survived.

some milk

some adviee

a book
same money



  • with piurai countable nouns, in questions and negatives.
    Are there any books in that cupboard? There aren 't any books in this one.

  • with uncountable nouns in questions and negatives wit h a singular verb.
    15 there any information about this subject?
    There isn't any water left.

  • to mean 'whichever one you like'.
    You can borrow any books you need from the library

uncountable (mass) nouns (See also Unit 27)
Use a singular verb with:
Things we eat
Other words

bread, ehocolate, food, fruit, meat, spaghetti
aecommodation, adviee, behaviour, damage, edueation,
fumiture, grass, hair, help, information, jewe//ery,
knowledge, /uggage, money, news, rubbish, shopping,
traffie, weather, wark
People usesaplural verb.
There are somepeople waiting for you.
It also has a different countable meaning with piurai-s.
The peoples of the world want peace.

acoin, anote (money)
an iron (for ironing)

aehieken (an animai) same ehieken (food)
ag/ass(container) same glass(substance)
apap er(a newspaper) some paper (materia I)
tea, twa teasetc (a cup or glass) some teaetc (a liquid)

countable versions of uncountable nouns
Many uncountable nouns have a countable version. Always use a dictionary to check the meaning.

same money 1

same iron (materia I)
A partitive is a noun+ofwhich makes a countable version of an uncountable.


as/iee of bread
apaeket of riee
acup oftea

asheet of pap er
aean of cola
a bottJe of water

abar of ehocolate /saap
a tube of toothpaste
a /oaf (of bread)
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