Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
4 Complete each sentence about endangered species with a /an, same, orany.
Within a hundred years, the doda became
extinct, and although we still have
paintings of dodos, there aren't
preserved examples.
Scientists have recently found
bones on the island, but nothing eise is left
of the doda.

b There aren't dinosaurs left alive

a When the last member ofHHHClH
species dies, we say that the species has
become extinct.

because they died out millions of years ago.
c plants, birds and ani maI s are
still in dangertramhuman beings.
d This is often because human beings destroy
the habitats of animals, sa that they don't
have food to eat.
e When animal ar a plant
becomes extinct, this can affect the plants
and animals which depend on it for food.
f For example, there aren't dodos
lett alive.
g This bird ance lived on the island of
Mauritius where there weren't
animals to eat it.
h It couldn't fly, and was easy
meal for dogs and rats brought to the island
by Europeans in the 16th century.

5 Camplete each sentence wit h a word from the list.



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a Suddenly at the end of the street, a. H~[QWJ of people appeared, shouting and
waving flags.
b When I opened the of cola, it spraye d out anto my shirt.
c We both felt hungry, and luckily I had a of biscuits in my bag.
d If you go to the supermarket, could you buy a of toothpaste?
e There was a sudden explosion, and then all they saw was a of dust.
f Anna always eats a otchocolate on her way to school.
g Shall I cut another otbre adtoryou?
h Can I give you a of advice? Spend more time on your work.
David took a otpaper tromhis bag, and started writing.
When I try to open a of milk, I wish it still came in bottles!


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