Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
.Hpeople living in the

H unexplored places left on

1 Complete the question with howmany orhow
much. Check the factual answers on page 208.
a Hq<Wr\:I,0vt!j active volcanoes are there
throughout the world?
b oxygen is in the air?
c fish are there in the sea?
d water is there on Earth?
e kinds of clouds are there?
f teeth does an adult human havel
gH does the Earth weigh?
h oil is used in the world
every day?

2 Camplete the sentence with aren't many ar isn't much.
a There.. i$vtllr\:l,~c:h ....rain in the Sahara Desert.
b There.. ................H giant pandas left in the
c There ......................H snow in countries near
the Equator.
d There
e There ..
f There ...............................H light in the ocean below
200 metres.
g There..H iron in the human body.
h There..H mountains on Earth
higher than 7,000 metres.

3 Complete each sentence so that it contains the word or words in capitals. Make any necessary changes.

a Not many people have travelled deeper than 10,000 metres under the sea.
.. Qvtl'10J~<w people have travelled deeper than 10,000 metres under the sea.
b In fact there are only one or two ways of doing this.
In fact there are ... Hof doing this.
c Divers could not survive at such depths.
H•••••• could survive at such depths.
d Some people have descended this far in underwater vessels called bathyscaphes.
.......have descended this far in underwater vessels called bathyscaphes.
e They cannot remain under water for many hours.
They can remain under water for ..
f There are many problems involved with descending into deep water.
...............................problems involved with descending into deep water.
g There is some light up to 200 metres, but at 10,000 it is completely dark.
There is some light up to 200 metres, but at 10,000
h There are not many creatures that live at such a depth.
HH creatures that live at such a depth.

A bathyscaphe is used to descend deep into the sea.





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