Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

6 Complete the sentence with one word 50 that it means the same as the first sentence.

by water.
d There seems to be more than enough food for
everyone in the world in the oceans.
There seems to be of food for
everyone in the world in the oceans.
e In fact, large amounts of the food we eat come
from the oceans.

a What is the total amount of salt contained in the
world's oceans and seas?
HOw......f1AudtH salt is there in the world's
oceans and seas?
b We don't know very much about the deep oceans.
We know very .H.. Habout the deep
cWater covers a large part of the Earth's surface.
HH of the Earth's surface is covered in some parts of

There is of seaweed in the
Sargasso Sea.
There are areas near the Equator where the wind
does not blow very much.
There are areas near the Equator where there is
not wind.
Pol1ution affects nearly every one of the world's
ocean areas.
There are .. ..areas of the world's
oceans not affected by pol1ution.

There aren't ..
the world.
h The Sargasso Sea contains large amounts of

f HiSimpossible to swim in the Dead Sea because
of the large amount of salt in it.
You can't swim in the Dead Sea because it
contains too .. .H salt.
g There is a shortage of fish in some parts of the

In fact, a .. H. of the food we eat comes
from the oceans.

7 Underline the correct option.

In geography, a desert is an area which receives a(ew/littlerain and which loses
ab(ew/lotof its moisture through evaporation. cMony /Much polar regions can
be ealled deserts, but most of us think of a desert as being a sandy, rocky area
with dnot enough /(ewwater. eLots/Lotof deserts consist of sand dunes or
bare rock, andfmony /much are near mountain ranges, which take away the
moisture from clouds. Others are far away from the sea or other water, so receive
g(ew/littlemoisture.Although we might assume that very h(ew/lotskinds of life
live in deserts, in fact there areilots/mony of plants, animals and insects in these
regions.jLots/Mony desert plants store water in their leaves or roots, and som e desert plants can live for
klots/mony years. Some desert animals live underground. They spendllittle /o(ewtime in the sun and only
come out at night. There aremenough /lotso( insects, scorpions and spiders as well as reptiles. such as snakes,
lizards and tortoises, in deserts. They need to spend nmuch /mony hours in the sun to generate body heat,
so they have o(ew/littledifficulty living in high temperatures. However, p(ew/littleof them can bear extreme
sunlight, so they tend to move from one area of shade to another.


1 Write a list ofhow muchandhow manyquestions,
and ask someone else in the class.
2 Write eight true sentences about your country, city
or town usingnot manyand alot of/lots of.
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