Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

3 Complete the text with in, atandon.

Many archaeologists had searched for the tombs of Pharaohs a;YI.. the VaUey of the Kings
b ... Egypt. Only Howard Carter believed he knew where the tomb might be. He had a map
of the vaUey, and c...... it he had marked aU the excavations until he discovered a space. d ..
the ground there was a pile of stones and earth from earlier excavations. Some steps were uncovered,
ande ... the bottom of the steps was a dooI. f...... the door was the symbol of Tutankhamun.
Carter had to wait for Lord Carnarvon, who was g... ho me h.... England, to arrive. Carnarvon
was paying for the work When he arrivedi the excavation, after digging some more, Carter and
his workers broke through a door and found themselves j the tomb. k.. .. this point they
thought they had failed, because the tomb was empty. Then they found another door, which led to an
undisturbed room. There were many beautiful thingsI this room, and wonderful paintings
m .. ......the waUs. Most of the objects from the tomb are now displayed n.. a local museum.

4 Complete the sentence with in, at, onorto.
a Columbus and his three ships starte d on the voyage ..lQ ..America in August 1492.
b They stopped first .. of the Canary Islands.
c On 12 October they came the coast of the Bahamas.
d From there they went Cuba, where one of the ships, thePinto,left in search of gol d ..
an island called 'Babeque'.
e Columbus continued with the other twa ships
and they came .. .....Hispaniola on S December.
f Unfortunately, the flagshipSanta Maria ran aground
.....a reef on Christmas Eve, and sank thenext day.
g Columbus built a fort the shore and left
same of his men there, because there was not room
for all the men the tinyNiiia,the other ship.
h While he was on his way back .. .. Spain,
Columbus found thePintoagain.
The twa ships left together, but we re parte d by
a storm ... the North Atlantic.
Both ships arrived.. Usbon on lS March
within a few hOUTSof each other.

5 Complete the sentence with a suitable preposition.
a The uvula is a small piece of flesh that hangs down .t3l the back ofYOUTthroat.
b The island of Alcatraz is the middle of San Francisco Bay.
c WriteYOUTaddress.. the top of the letter on the right-hand side.
d It was hard to wat ch the match because there we re several tall people standing front of me.
e ...the end of the play, the whole audience bUTStinto applause.
f The man was completely bald the top of his head.
g Anna felt tired, sa she stopped the car the side of the road and got out.

O h Divers cannot work .. ... the bottom of the sea for very long.

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