Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


3 Complete the text with the past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple form of the verbs
in brackets.

Mozart was born in 1756, the son of a professional musician. His father soon a (give up).qeVc,4p
composing when he recognized his son's musical talent. By the age of three, the young Mozart
b(Iearn) .....HH to play several pieces of musie. While he and his father c (travel)
round Europe, Mozart met many famous musicians and composers. Before he was 17, he
d (compose) several operas.While he e (visit) the Vatican in Rome, he
f(listen) ......H to a piece of musie which, up to this point, the Vatican authorities
g (keep) ...HHHHH secret. No oneh(publish) a copy of the piece before, but Mozart
i(manage) to write it down from memory after hej(listen) to it once.
By the age of 30 he I<(become) one of the most famous composers in Europe, and
I (have) HHHH a large apartment in Vienna, which is nowa tourist attraction. It was here that he
m(write) his famous opera The Marriage ar Figaro.In 1791, while he
n(work) on hisRequiem, he o (fali) ill and died at the age of 35.

4 Choose the correct form, A, S, C or D, to complete the sentence.
a I A this computer for more than ten years, sa I'm thinking
of getting a new one.
b You're half an hom late! I here for ages!
c I these black trousers better than those blue ones.
d Can I borrow a pen? I... ...... Hmine.
e I'd like to dance with you, but I for my friend.
f Kate in Poland since last October. She's really enjoying it.
g Carol's great, isn't she? her long?
h Paul in all day today, sa naw he feels like going out.
You'd better borrow this umbrella really hardo
on my project all morning, and I need a break.
a A have had D am havingB have been havingC have
b A have waited

D am waitingB have been waitingCwait

A have liked D am likingB have been likingC like
d A have los t

D am losingB have been losingC lose
e A have waited

D am waitingB have been waitingCwait

A has taught D is teachingB has been teachingC teaches
g A Have you known

D Are you knowingBHave you been knowingCDo you know
h A has stayed

D is stayingB has been stayingCstays
A It has rained

DIt is rainingBIt has been rainingCIt rains
A have worked

D am workingB have been workingCwork
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