Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

gaing tois formed with be+going to + verb
I am(~)
You / We / They are('re) going to try.
She / He / It , is('s)

segoing to

  • to talk about a personal plan ar intention.
    We're going totry and recycle more of our household rubbish.

  • to make a prediction about the future, especially when this has already started to happen.
    Most people can see that the Internet is going tobe just as muchapart of the future for
    us ali as the telephoneorelectricity is taday
    Samething strange is happening to the computer screen. The program is going tocrash!

  • to make a decision with a result in the distant future, not 'instant', as with will.
    I've decided about my future. I'm going tostudy law at university

1 Read these famous failed predictions. Then complete the sentence using will +the verb in brackets.
CI We are in September 1914: according to most newspapers in Britain and Germany, the war
(be) ..miJJ over by Christmas. They cannot imagine that the war (continue)
until1918, and (claim) the lives of about 9 million
in the military and a further 7 million civilians.
b We are in 1919: according to geologist Albert Porta, the conjunction of six planet s (cause)
the Sun to explode. In fact, the Sun (probably destroy)
the Earth one day, when it becomes a red giant in about 4.5 billion years.
c We are in 1977: according to Ken Ols on, he ad of a computer company, people (never want) ..
a computer in the home. Latest predictions (2005) suggest that computer
ownership (reach) 1.3 billion machines worldwide by 2010.
d We are in 1999: according to many scientists, computers (crash) and
(cause) chaos on the first day of the new millennium.
e And one to look forward to: according to the Aztec calendar, the world (come) ..
to an end on 22 December 2012. We (have to) wait and see.

2 Complete the sentence with will +a verb from the list.

carry cost take place provide sell use lwlcl:

a Most people know that LondonwiJLholc! the 2012 summer Olympic Games.
b Most of the Games in three areas of London: in the Olympic Park in East
London; along the River Thames; and in Central London.
c The Olympic Village, in the same area, accommodation for over 17,000 athletes.
d A new railway link spectators to the Olympic Park.
e The organizers 8 million tickets for the Olympic Games, and a further 1.6
million for the Paralympics.
f 75% of the tickets less than €70.
g For some events the Games ........... ..... well-known place s in Central London su ch as
Hyde Park and Horse Guards Parade.



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