Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5 Say what you think will happen in each picture. Use a verb from the list.

blow down hit flood disappear snow ert:tpt

a .l1te..volca~oisqoh'1.qloe..rupl. d
b e
c f

6 Usewill, shallorgoing to+the verb in brackets

a Next year you have to choose between two lessons, either biology ar a second fareign
language. Make your decision.
I've made up my mind. (do) ....HllY.\Aqoil'1.qlodobioloq1J.
b You have to miss school to see the dentist, but you promise your teacher to be back at
two o'clock. What do you say?
c You are doing an experiment in science, and you can see that it isn't going well.
d You are near the light switch and it's getting dark. Offer to tum the lights on. (tum)

e Your teacher asks you who you want to sit with. You decide to sit with Helen. (sit)

f Your teacher asks you about your career plans, and you say you are planning to study
engineering. (to)

1 Make ten predictions for the future about yourself, your friends, your country,
the world etc.
2 What are your plans for the rest of the day, and the rest of the week?
Write five sentences.



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