Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Letters / 209


The following letter verifies in writing an important telephone conversation. The pur-
pose in such a letter is to record a specific event. As telephone conversations are
subject to your-word-against-theirs arguments, it is wise, in important matters, to
verify them.

F. Brody Kleindorf

1234 Shortridge Road

Carthage, NM 98765- 4321

July 29, 20—

Mr. Wilbur Offenberg
Vice President of Accounts
Finner, Hopewell, and Finner Securities
7890 Jarrell Financial Center
Irontown, WA 56789- 0123

Dear Mr. Offenberg:
I am writing to confirm our telephone conversation this morning regarding my account No.
567890 with Finner, Hopewell, and Finner Securities. As you recall, I requested that $5,000 be
moved from account No. 567890 into my joint account No. 123456.
In the course of our conversation, you agreed to make that transaction immediately in order
for me to take advantage of the improved interest rate effective August 1. At the same time, I
agreed to sign a withdrawal/deposit slip and forward it to you in today’s mail. You will find the
slip enclosed, requesting the $5,000 transfer of funds.
I appreciate your help in this matter. This kind of service makes it a pleasure doing business
with Finner, Hopewell, and Finner.

Respectfully yours,

F. Brody Kleindorf
F. Brody Kleindorf
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