Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Letters / 213


The following letter maintains the modified-block style with indented paragraphs.
Note that it maintains courtesy in spite of the writer’s obvious unhappiness.

Claudette McMooney

4157 Southland Drive

Oxmoor, SC 61842- 5073

January 23, 20—

Customer Relations Office
Kalaxton Manufacturing Company, Inc.
12700 Broadmore Way
New Richland, AL 38741- 2763

To whom it may concern:
Six weeks ago on December 15, I purchased a Kitchen Kit Appliance Aid, model A-4001-6,
at the Trenton Store in Oxmoor. I have tried for several weeks now to understand the operator’s
manual, but so far I have been relatively unsuccessful. As a result, I don’t know whether I am
operating the Appliance Aid improperly or whether it is malfunctioning. When I try to cut French
fries, for instance, I get grated rather than cut potatoes. Likewise, when I use the slaw cutter,
what comes out looks more like mush than slaw.
I have talked with the retailer at Trenton who claims he knows nothing about the Appliance
Aid’s operation. Could you tell me, please, where I can find someone in the Oxmoor area
who can demonstrate the Aid and who can also tell me whether my Aid is malfunctioning or
whether I am, in fact, operating it improperly?
I am looking forward to your response.

Very truly yours,

Claudette McMooney
Claudette McMooney
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