Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Letters / 215


The following letter, written in modified-block style, probably the most popular of
the three styles, serves to introduce the writer to a potential employer. The accompa-
nying resume [see Chapter 35, Resume], lists the applicant’s qualifications.

Kevin L. McDermitt

12806 South Pike Road

Mt. Simon, LA 23306- 1229

September 4, 20—

Ms. Krista McGallahan
Personnel Manager
Feagley Electronics Company
3468 Longway Drive
Judson, VA 43210- 3210

Dear Ms. McGallahan:
Having worked with Feagley computers regularly in various computer centers for the past
three years, I am looking forward to an opportunity to work with the company as a full-time
Experienced in both software programming and alteration to meet customer needs and in
tutoring clients, I am qualified as a software-hardware technician, able to alter software to
make it compatible with most brands of hardware, including that developed by Feagley. As you
can see from the accompanying resume, I also have an associate’s degree in business with a
minor in computer education.
I am looking forward to an interview for a position with Feagley Electronics. I will call in a week
for an appointment.
Sincerely yours,

Kevin L. McDermitt
Kevin L. McDermitt

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