Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Literary Analyses / 231



The preceding five-paragraph theme illustrates a literary analysis using representa-
tive works to discuss the author. The three poems, each addressed in a separate para-
graph, serve to introduce the author. Note these specific characteristics:

•    The first paragraph introduces the three ideas developed successively in the
following paragraphs. The final sentence of the first paragraph functions as the
thesis sentence. The reference to three poems, as yet unnamed, suggests the
means by which the ideas of solitary life, respect for nature and the spiritual,
and mental travel will be developed.
• Quotations from the three poems, enclosed in quotation marks, support the
writer’s main ideas.
• The slash, or diagonal mark (/), shows where lines of poetry end.
• References to other ideas in the poems, paraphrased rather than quoted,
further support the main ideas.
• The organization of the body, in order of importance from most to least
important, follows the order set out in the introduction.
• While the first paragraph, discussing Dickinson’s life, is written in the past
tense, paragraphs discussing her works are in the present tense. Because the
works still exist but Dickinson does not, the change in tense is logical.
• Likewise, the fourth paragraph begins and ends in the past tense, discussing
her life, while the middle paragraphs use the present tense, discussing her
work as it continues to exist.
• The conclusion, like the introduction, uses past tense to reflect on
Dickinson’s life.
• Sentence variety, both in structure and length, credits the writer with good style.
• Transitions link sentences as well as paragraphs into a smoothly flowing

Compare this sample paper with others in the section for a thorough overview of
writing about literature.

analysis of literary eleMents

An analysis of literary elements explores or evaluates a technical aspect of a literary
work. Probably the most common approach to writing about literature, the analy-
sis of a literary element thoroughly examines some literary device that helps weld
together the mosaic of the entire work. Common elements include the following:

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