Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Minutes of a Meeting / 265

The next regular meeting of the Central High School Civitan Club will be held February 25,
20—, at 3:00 PM in Room 29 at Central High School.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 PM.
Brandon Hartwell
January 31, 20—


The sample minutes include all the vital information. For instance:

  • We know by the heading below the title of the meeting that it was a regular

  • The introductory statement, paragraph 1, includes the date, time, and place of
    the meeting, the name of the presiding officer, and a report of attendance.

  • Paragraph 2, a single sentence, indicates how the minutes of the previous
    meeting were handled.

  • Then begins a series of three paragraphs about three reports. Paragraph 3
    describes the report from the membership committee, including discussion
    from the membership. Because no motions were made, names of those
    commenting are not listed. Paragraph 4 describes the report from the apple-
    sale committee, and paragraph 5 describes the report from the nominating
    committee. Specific names are listed only where needed.

  • Paragraph 7, dealing with unfinished business, summarizes the discussion,
    indicates a motion made, and, although unnecessarily, states by whom and
    by whom seconded. We know that the motion passed. The motion, obviously
    somewhat complicated, is worded to include all matters of importance because
    of the impact on future action in the club.

  • Although no new business was transacted, notation of that fact is necessary in
    paragraph 8 to avoid the possible misunderstanding that such business was
    simply omitted from the minutes.

  • Also in paragraph 8 are the announcements and reminders to members. While
    not part of the club’s actual business, these items are of general interest.

  • Paragraph 9 specifies the date, time, and place of the next regular meeting.

  • The final paragraph gives the time of adjournment.

  • Finally, the secretary omits a complimentary close and instead merely adds
    his printed name to the e-mailed document. The date is not the date of the
    meeting, but the date on which he completed the final copy of the minutes.

If you follow this sample when you take minutes for your own club or organization,
you will prepare good minutes.

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