C h a p t e r 3 3
précis (pronounced pray-see) is a kind of summary. [Compare the précis with two
other kinds of summaries, the paraphrase and the synopsis. See chapters 32 and
39, respectively.] The purpose of a précis is to provide a shortened version of a piece
of writing. You may be asked to write précis (plural, pronounced pray-sees) to show
that you have read and understood chapters or passages. You may be asked to write
précis to present concisely the results of your research in a special project. You may
also write précis for your own benefit, as a kind of note-taking.
A précis, then, is a short restatement of the main points of a piece of writing. A
précis of one page may well summarize the points presented in 25 pages of care-
fully supported detail. Similarly, a précis of 100 words may restate what an author
explains in three pages. Finally, a précis of a single sentence may summarize a para-
graph or two.
A précis usually
-^ omits details, illustrations, and subordinate ideas, presenting instead the major
-^ reduces the original passage by at least two-thirds,
-^ indicates careful reading of the original passage,
-^ portrays the original author’s concept accurately, without adding personal bias,
-^ follows the guidelines of standard grammar, usage, and mechanics—using
strong, effective sentence structure.
To write an effective précis, follow these steps.
STEP 1: Prewriting—Reading the Material
- Read the passage quickly to grasp the general idea and purpose. Look up any
unfamiliar words or references.