Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1076 Index

Jean d’Orbais, 18-23A
Jean le Loup, 18-23A
Jeanne-Claude,1025; work of, 1015,1015.
See alsoChristo
Jeanne d’Evreux,18-36A
Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard.SeeLe Corbusier
Jefferson, Thomas,757, 758, 775; work of,
772, 773
Jefferson Medical College, 806–807
Jericho, 24–25; skull from,1-14A;stone
tower at,24, 25
Jerome, Saint, 410, 458, 604, 642, 643; statue
of, 473,473, 626
Jerusalem, 327, 362,18-44A;Dome of the
Rock, 342,343,344,344,345, 351, 357,
363; Islam in, 363; pilgrimage to, 432, 440;
Temple of Solomon, 262, 263, 313, 342
Jesuits, 654, 665, 729, 733; Counter-
Reformation and, 622
Jesus washing the feet of Saint Peter
(Ottonian Gospel book),16-29A
Jewelry, 2, 12; orientalizing, 224–225, 224
Jew ish Cemeter y(Ruisdael),25-18A
Jin dynasty, 190, 197, 199
Jocho, 8-16A;work of,8-13A
Joe, Paa:work of, 906, 906
John, Saint, 334, 419, 556, 557, 581, 585, 630,
646; Apocalypse and, 445; gospel of, 330;
symbol of, 5
John the Baptist, 296, 331, 333, 335, 336, 522,
524, 532, 558, 570, 580
John the Evangelist, 297, 325, 505, 520, 522,
570, 630
John the Lydian, on Theodora, 320
Johns, Jasper,1025,36-62A;work of, 982,
Johnson, Philip,1009; work of, 1006,1006,
1009–1010, 1009
Joined-wood technique (yosegi),8-13A
Jomon period, 207–209
Jonah, 292,292,293, 295
Jones, Inigo,702, 703, 770; work of, 701, 701
Joseph, Saint, 584, 585, 657
Judaism, 31, 169, 290, 295; Christianity and,
342; Islam and, 342, 343
Judas, 297, 306, 508, 557, 582
Judd, Donald,1012, 1025; on
sculpture/industrial materials, 979; work
of, 979–980, 979
Judgment Day, 564, 631, 710; proportion and,
10; symbolism of, 5
Judg ment of Par is(Cranach),23-7A
Judith Slaying Holofernes(Gentileschi), 662
Jugendstil, 846
Julia Domna, 239, 254, 277
Julio-Claudians, 260, 287
Julius II, Pope, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588,
22-19A;League of Cambrai and, 602;
New Saint Peter’s and, 599; Sistine Chapel
and, 593; tomb of, 591–592, 591
Julius Caesar, 239, 244, 257, 584,10-11A;
denarius with,244;murder of, 254
Jung, Carl, 929, 943, 948, 973
Junius Bassus sarcophagus, 294–295,
Juno (Hera), 101, 111, 120, 136, 225, 252
Jupiter (Zeus), 101, 111, 112, 119, 120, 123,
136, 140, 149, 225, 233, 245, 252, 254, 267,
284, 575, 839,839,840, 983; altar of,
147–148; statue of, 48, 226, 774
Jupiter and Semele(Moreau), 839,839, 840
Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So
Different, So Appealing?(Hamilton), 981,
981, 982
Justinian, 301, 319, 331, 416; blessing for,
323; Byzantine art and, 312, 313, 339;
Christianity and, 312; Constantinople

and, 312, 339; ivory carving of,323;
mosaic of,319;Mount Sinai and, 321, 322,
339; portrait of, 332; Ravenna and, 316,
339; Theodora and, 317, 320

Ka (life force), 54, 57, 62, 63, 64
Ka-Aper: statue of,3-14B
Kahlo, Frida,967; work of, 960, 960
Kailasanatha Temple, Ellora, India,6-22A
Kairouan, Great Mosque, 347, 347
Kairye Museum, fresco from, 336
Kalabari: ancestral screen of,888,892;
shrines of, 892, 907
Kalabari Ijaw,art of,892
Kalachuri dynasty, 169
Kalf, Willem,679, 703; work of, 690, 690
Kalhu, Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, 46–47, 46
Kalhu (modern Nimrud): Ashurnasirpal II
Kalingas, 162, 716
Kallikrates,155; work of, 126,127,133, 133
Kallimachos, 144
Kamakura period, 218, 219, 220, 221, 735
Kamakura priest, portrait statue of, 219, 219
Kamares-ware vessels, 88, 88
Kamehameha I, King, 884, 885
Kamehameha III, King: feather cloak of,
884, 884
Kandinsky, Vassily,935, 945, 950, 973, 997,
35-34A;chair and, 962–963; work of,
915–916,915, 934
Kano Motonobu:work of, 736, 738, 738
Kano School, 738, 742, 743, 749
Kaprow, Allan, 36-24A, 36-26A;
work of, 1017
Karesansui (dry-landscape gardening), 736,
736,737, 741, 749,28-2A
Karle, chaitya hall at,156,164, 167
Karlskirche (Church of Saint Charles
Borromaeus), Vienna,29-25A
Karnak, 109, 265; Temple of Amen-Re,
70–71,70, 71,78,3-20A
Käsebier, Gertrude:work of, 842–843, 843
Katholikon, 328,328;interior of,329;mosaic
at, 330; plan of, 328
Kato Zakro, palace at, 84
Katsinas, 862, 862
Katsura Imperial Villa, 741–742, 749; eastern
facade of, 741
Kauffmann, Angelica,775; work of, 767, 767
Kaufmann House (Fallingwater) (Wright),
966,966, 967
Kawa, temple at, 77
Kei School (sculpture), 218, 219
Kelly, Ellsworth,1025; Post-Painterly
Abstraction and, 976; work of, 976, 976
Kendo, Akati Akpele,907; work of, 893,
893, 897
Kent, William:work of, 770–771, 771
Kentecloth, Ghana,34-12A
Kenyon, Kathleen,1-14A
Khafre: Great Sphinx and, 61; Pyramid of, 60,
61;statue of, 62–63,62,3-12B;temple of,
71; tomb of, 59
Khajuraho, Vishvanatha Temple, 171,172,
173,173,176, 179
Khamerernebty, statue of,62, 63
Khipu (as ancient “computer”), 858, 869
Khmer, 175, 176, 178, 179, 713
Khufu: Pyramid of,60,3-14A;Sphinx and,
61; tomb of, 59, 60
Kiefer, Anselm:work of, 989, 989
Kiev: Saint Sophia,12-22A, 12-30A
Kinetic theater, 1018
King David (Antelami), 452,453,17-13A
King on horseback with attendants, 10, 10
King Philip IV of Spain(Velázquez), 669

King Solomon’s Temple, 449
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig,945; Armory Show
and, 934; work of, 913–914, 914
Kiss, The(Klimt), 842, 842
Kivas, 390, 861, 869; mural, 861
Kiyonaga, Torii:work of, 829, 829
Klee, Paul,945, 962, 997, 1020; work of,
948, 948
Kleitias,114, 114
Klimt, Gustav, 35-10A;work of, 842, 842
Kline, Franz:work of,36-7A
Klosterneuburg Altar(Nicholas of Verdun),
493, 494,18-52A
Klüver, Billy, 1019
Kngwarreye, Emily Kame:work of, 873, 873
Knight,Death,and the Devil(Dürer),
629–630, 630
Knights Templar, 442
Knossos, 82; Kamares-ware vessels at, 88;
palace at, 84–86,84, 85, 86,87, 88, 90, 97
Koberger, Anton:work of, 536
Koetsu, Honami,749,28-10A;work of, 742,
Kofun period, 209–210, 221; Shinto and, 211
Koguryo kingdom, 202
Kokei, 8-16A
Kollwitz, Käthe:work of, 916, 917
Kondo, 212, 213,214;aerial view of, 213
Kongo, 905, 907; art of, 893–894; nkisi
n’kondi of, 893, 894
Koons, Jeff:work of, 1000–1001, 1000
Korai, 105, 109, 112, 113, 121, 133, 226
Koran (Qur’an), 343, 345, 357, 363; “Blue,”
13-16B;calligraphy for, 351; page
from, 351
Kore in Ionian dress, 108–109, 108
Korea, art of, 730–732, 733
Korin, Ogata,9, 749,28-10A;work of,8,
Koryo dynasty, 204, 731
Kosho, 8-13A;work of,8-16B
Kosuth, Joseph,1025; work of, 1020, 1020
Kot a-Mbweeky III (Kuba king), 902, 902
Kota: art of, 890–892; mbulu ngulu of, 892,
892, 907
Kouroi, 106,106,107,107,108, 109, 112, 121,
134, 151, 155, 281
Kresilas:work of, 125–126,125,153, 242, 267
Krishna, 168, 711
Krishna and Radha in a Pavilion(Pahari
School), 711, 711
Krishna and the Gopis(Rajput painter),
Kritios:work of, 121, 121
Kritios Boy,121,121,123, 125, 545
Kruger, Barbara,1025; work of, 992,
992, 999
Kuaua Pueblo, 861; kiva mural from, 861
Kuba, 907; art of, 901–903
Kublai Khan, 719, 720, 733
Kufic script,13-16B
Kuhn, Walt: Armory Show and, 934
Kuka’ilimoku, 884–885,884, 887
Kukulkan, 376; temple to,377, 378
Kumgang Mountains(Chong Son), 732, 732
Kushan dynasty, 162, 166, 179
Kushinagara, 161, 165, 179
Kutsugen(Yokoyama), 746, 747
Kuya, priest: portrait statue of (Kosho),
Kwakiutl, 863
Kwakiutl masks, 864, 864
Kw e i , K a n e :work of, 906
Kyoto: Katsura Imperial Villa, 741–742,741,
749; Myokian Temple, 740; Ryoanji
Tem p l e ,28-2A;Saihoji temple and

Isaac and His Sons(Ghiberti), 548,548, 549
Isabella, Queen, 341, 597, 643, 644
Isabella d’Este(Titian), 610,611,22-41A
Ise complex, 210, 211, 897; Shrine of
Amaterasu, 210, 211
Isenheim Altarpiece(Grünewald), 626,
627, 942
Isfahan: Great Mosque, 355–356,355, 356;
Shahi Mosque,356, 357
Ishiyama-gire,album leaf (Fujiwara no
Ishtar Gate, 33, 47,47, 51
Isidorus of Miletus:work of, 313–314,
313, 314
Islam, 31, 50, 168, 169, 174, 311, 514, 705;
African art and, 906; Byzantium and, 341;
Judaism/Christianity and, 342, 343;
Muhammad and, 343; rise of, 341, 392,
706, 717; Spain and, 415
Islamic architecture, 363, 429, 710, 717,
Islamic world, map of, 342
Italian Baroque: architecture of, 649–657,
664, 700, 701, 754; art of, 649–665, 685,
695, 700, 703; painting of, 657; sculpture
of, 649–657, 671
Italian-Chinese painting style, 729, 730, 733
Italian Renaissance, 154, 461, 637, 660, 671,
775; architecture of, 298; art of, 542, 639;
Baroque and, 649; humanism and, 502;
painting of, 686
Italian Romanesque: architecture of,
450–453, 459; art of, 450–453, 459;
sculpture of, 450–453
Italo-Byzantine art, 504, 505, 517
Italy, map of, 498
Ivor y car v ing ,323, 324,882; Byzantine,
322–325, 327, 333–335; Late Antique,
Iwans, 50, 345, 356, 363
Ixion Room, 252; wall paintings at, 252

Jack in the Pulpit No. 4(O’Keeffe), 3,3,938,
Jacob, Max,35-18A
Jacob K. Javits Federal Building, 1016, 1016
Jacobs, Jane, 1008
Jacobus de Voragine:Golden Legend,21-43B
Jade: celts, 367; Chinese and, 184, 185,185;
masks, 370, 371; Zhou, 184, 185, 185
Jahan, Shah, 710, 717
Jahangir, 710, 712; Mewar and, 711; Mughal
painting and, 709,26-4A, 26-5A
Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaykh to Kings
(Bichitr), 709
Jambs, 440, 466,467,473,473,476, 477,477,
490, 520, 521; described, 439
James, Saint: shrine of, 432
James I, King, 701, 709
Jane Av ril(Toulouse-Lautrec),31-14A
Japan, map of,208, 737
Japanese art: China/Korea and, 735;
influence of, 829
Japanese culture, 215, 735, 736, 829;
Buddhism and, 207; Chinese writing
systems and, 207; Zen Buddhism and, 736
Japanese prints, influence of, 830, 831, 835,
836, 851
Japanese sculpture,8-13A
Japonaiserie: Flowering Plum Tree(van
Japonisme, 829
Java, art of, 174–175
Jayavarman II, King, 175
Jayavarman VII, King, 178
Jean, duke of Berry, 532, 539
Jean-Baptiste Belley(Girodet-Trioson),

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