Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1079

Miracle of the loaves and fishes, 304
Miraculous Draught of Fish(Witz), 536, 536
Miró, Joan,943, 948, 954, 980,36-5A;work
of, 947, 947
Mirrors: Etruscan,9-13A;in paintings,
Miseries of Warseries (Callot), 694–695
Mississippian culture, 388, 389, 391;
iconography, 389; mounds, 388,389, 391
Mithras, emblem of, 280
Mithuna reliefs, 173, 173
Mixteca-Puebla: art of, 854; sites, 855 (map)
Mixtecs, 366, 854, 857
Miyanomae, vessel from, 208, 208
Mnesikles,135; work of, 131, 131
Moai (Easter Island),870, 880,887;
described, 880
Mobiles, 953
Moche culture, 380, 381, 385, 391; painted
vessels by, 384
Moctezuma II, Cortés and, 853, 857
Modena Cathedral, 452; frieze from, 452
Modernism, 822, 911, 934, 1002–1008, 1010
Modernismo, 846
Modernist architecture, 1008, 1012, 1025;
map of, 1003
Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 35-6A;
work of,35-9A
Module, application in art, 10
Mogao Grottoes, 192
Mohenjo-daro, 157, 158–159, 179; Great
Bath, 158, 158
Moissac: pilgrimage to, 442; Saint-Pierre,
430,437–440,438, 440,453, 473, 475,
MoMA.SeeMuseum of Modern Art
Momoyama period (Japan), 738, 739; art of,
749; tea ceremony during, 740
Mona Lisa(Leonardo), 583,583,587, 623,
21-28A, 35-27A;atmospheric
perspective and, 547; Duchamp and, 929
Monasteries, 410, 420, 431, 520
Monastic orders, 321, 322, 501; patronage
by, 506
Mondrian, Piet,953, 954, 961, 962; Cubism
and, 950; work of, 950, 950
Monet, Claude,800, 829, 837, 850,31-2B,
31-7A;Impressionism and, 851; work of,
822–825,823, 824, 825,31-2A
Money-Changer and His Wife(Massys),
639–640, 639
Mongols, 335, 355, 719, 720, 723, 730, 733
Monk’s Mound, Cahokia,14-29A
Monolith with bird and crocodile, 401
Monophysite heresy, 312, 327
Monreale cathedral, 333, 445; mosaics at,
332, 332
Monroe, Marilyn, 984, 986
Mont Sainte-Victoire(Cézanne), 837, 837
Monte Albán, 376, 854
Montejo,Francisco de,the Younger:
Plateresque-style house and, 645
Monticello, Charlottesville, Va. (Jefferson),
772,773, 775
Montoya Martínez, María,869; work of,
862,863, 863
Monument to the Third International
(Tatlin), 960–961, 961
Moore, Charles,1025; work of,
1008–1009, 1008
Moore, Henr y,953, 967; on abstract
sculpture, 951; work of, 952, 952
Moorish-Spanish architecture, 848
Moralia in Job(Saint Gregory), 443–444;
folio from, 443
Moralized Bibles, 482, 483, 495
More, Thomas, 625–626, 633

Moreau, Gustave:Symbolism and, 851;
work of, 839–840,839,31-23A
Morgan Madonna,445, 445
Morisot, Berthe,830,31-7A;work of,
Morning of Liberty, The(Lewis).See
Forever Free
Morris, William,829; Arts and Crafts
movement and, 913; work of, 846, 846
Mortuary precinct, 57,58,59,59, 60
Mosaics, 309, 357, 363, 427, 840, 854; be-
ginning of, 303; black-and-white, 271;
Early Byzantine, 312–322; Early Christian,
295, 298–304; floor, 140–141; Islamic, 344;
pebble, 140–141,140,142, 303
Moses(Michelangelo),591,592, 623
Moses expounding the Law
(Master Hugo), 457
Mosque lamps, 360–361
Mosque of Selim II,354,355, 363; interior
of,354;Sinan and, 354
Mosques: architecture of, 344, 345; types
of, 345
Mother of God, 301, 322, 325, 338, 842;
images of, 326; mosaic of, 339.See also
Virgin Mar y
Motonobu, Kano.SeeKano Motonobu
Moulin de la Galette, Le(Renoir), 827,
827, 832
Mount Ida: Kamares-ware vessels at, 88
Mount of Olives, 297, 325
Mount Olympus, 33, 120, 129, 138, 840;
gods/goddesses of, 101
Mount Sinai, 33, 321–322, 337, 339; Church
of the Virgin, 322,322;icons and, 327,
328, 335; Saint Catherine’s monastery,
Mount Vesuvius, 252, 275, 287, 766, 767;
Pompeii and, 244–246, 248–253
Mount Wutai, Foguang Si, 194, 194
Mountains at Collioure(Derain),35-4A
Mouth of Hell(Winchester Psalter),17-36A
Movable type, 536, 537, 541
Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
(Gainsborough), 762–763, 763
Mshatta, Umayyad Palace, 346, 346
Mughal Empire, 704, 707–710, 711; art of, 717
Muhammad, 341, 342, 350; burials and, 348;
death of, 50, 343; house of, 345, 347; Islam
and, 343; opposition to, 343
Muhammad V, 352
Muhammad ibn al-Zayn,363; work of,
361–362, 361
Muhammad of Ghor, 705, 719
Muiredach, cross of, 414, 414
Mukherjee, Meera:work of, 716, 716
Muk hina, Vera:work of, 953, 953
Mummy portraits, 275–276,275,277,
10-62A, 10-62B
Munch, Edvard,914, 916,35-10A;work of,
841, 841
Muqarnas, 352–353,352,357, 363
Mural painting, 504; Chinese, 190; medieval
Italian,17-27A;Mesoamerican, 370,
14-7A;Pollock on, 973; Pompeiian, 304;
Roman, 766
Murasaki Shikubu:work of, 216–217,
217, 221
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban: work of,
Muromachi period, 735–738; art of, 749;
tea ceremony of, 740; Zen Buddhism
and, 736
Musée Africain (Marseilles), 920
Musée du quai Branly (Paris), 920
Musée National des Arts d’Afrique et
d’Océanie (Paris), 920
Museum für Völkerkunde (Berlin), 920

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 933, 953;
avant-garde and, 954; commission by, 954;
Hammons and, 997; Johnson and, 1009;
Picasso and, 940; Tinguely and, 1019
Museums, 933; non-Western art collections
of, 920
Mussolini, Benito, 773, 910
Muybridge, Eadweard,807, 819, 844, 845;
work of, 818, 818
Mwashamboy masker, 902
My Eg ypt(Demuth), 937, 937
Myanmar, art of, 715
Mycenae: architecture of, 91–94; art of,
90–96, 97; civilization of, 96, 99; culture
of, 90; excavations at, 81; gateway to,80,
92;Grave Circle A,4-22A;Lion Gate,80,
92–93,92,94, 95, 97,4-18A, 4-22A;
painting of, 94–96; sculpture of, 94–96,
95;Treasury of Atreus, 93–94,93,97, 228,
241; Troy and, 81–83, 97; Two goddesses
and a child, statuette,4-24A
My ron,653; work of, 123–125, 123
Mystery plays, 505, 520

Nabu, 33, 45; dragon of, 47
Nadar (Gaspar-Félix Tournachon),814,
819; Delacroix and, 817; work of,776,
Nadar Raising Photography to the Height of
Art(Daumier), 814
Nahuatl, 366, 372, 854
Namdaemun (Korea), 731, 731
Namibian plaques, 16, 16
Nanna (moon god at Ur), 33, 41
Nanni di Banco,577,21-35A;work of,
544–545, 544
Napir-Asu of Elam, Queen: statue of, 44, 44
Naples, 502, 765; Archaeological Museum,
246; press in, 541; princely court in, 569
Napoleon at the Pesthouse at Jaffa(Gros),
Napoleon Bonaparte, 60, 416, 786,30-2A;
Arc de Triomphe and, 793; art under, 777,
779–783, 819; classical tradition and, 810;
David and, 779, 819; Egypt and, 54;
Neoclassicism and, 779, 819
Napoleon Crossing the Saint-Bernard Pass
Napoleon III, 823, 825
Napoleon on His Imperial Throne(Ingres),
Napoleonic Empire, map of, 778
Nara period, 170, 212, 213, 214, 215, 221;
court culture of, 217; rebuilding, 218
Naram-Sin, 39, 43, 47; victory stele of, 40–41,
Narmer, King, 55–56, 64
Nasca culture, 380, 381, 383–384
Nasca Lines, 383–384, 383
Nash, John:work of, 811, 811
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 996
National Socialist German Workers Party.See
Nazi Party
Native American art, 997, 998; gender roles
in, 863; sites, 860 (map)
Nativity(Giovanni Pisano), 499, 499
Nativity(Nicola Pisano), 498,499, 510
Natoire, Charles-Joseph:work of, 752
“Natural” art, 760–765
Natural History(Buffon), 758
Natural Surrealism, 943, 960, 967
Naturalism, 335, 339, 517, 520, 530, 775;
Cimabue and, 501; Diderot on, 760;
idealized, 398; Master Honoré and, 484;
Ribera and, 667
Nature Symbolized No. 2(Dove),35-34A

Mewar, 707; Jahangir and, 711
Mexica, 855, 857
Mexican Revolution, 958, 959
Mexico City, 853, 855, 857, 869
Michael, Archangel, 570; icon of,12-24B;
ivory panel of, 324, 324
Michael VIII Paleologus, 336, 339,12-30A
Michel, Claude.SeeClodion
Michelangelo Buonarroti,154, 355, 527,
586, 618, 622, 623, 653, 654, 658, 674, 675,
22-8A, 29-2A;Anguissola and, 615;
Bramante and, 600; colossal order and,
573; on Gates of Paradise,548; High
Renaissance and, 588; imitation and, 553;
on painting/sculpture, 588; Saint Peter’s
and, 651, 652; work of, 10, 11,11, 278,
578,588–596,589, 590, 591, 592, 594,
597,599–600,600,601, 620–621,621,
22-12A, 22-19A, 22-27A
Michelozzo di Bartolommeo,601; work of,
565–566,565, 566
Micronesia, 871, 883; art of, 878–879, 887
Mictlantecuhtli, 854, 854
Middle Ages, 407, 408, 431, 784, 809; art/
architecture of, 287, 811; Byzantine art
and, 323; concept of, 502; condemnation
of, 497; decline during, 461; historical
narrative art in, 459
Middle Byzantine: architecture of, 327–332;
art of, 327–335, 339; churches, 328,
339; ivory carving, 333–335; mosaics,
327–332; painting, 333–335
Middle Horizon period, 380, 391
Middle Kingdom, 59, 64–67; architecture of,
66–67; sculpture of, 65; tombs of, 79
Middle Minoan period, 84
Middle Stone Age art, 16
Middlesex, Osterley Park House, 766,766, 767
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig,966, 1002,
1025; Johnson and, 1009; work of, 963,
963,1005–1006, 1006
Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley(Lange),
955, 955
Migration of the Negro, The(Lawrence),
956, 957
Mihrabs, 345, 347, 349, 356, 357,357, 358
Milan, 502, 765; art of, 514–516; Cathedral of,
516,516;press in, 541; princely court in,
569; Santa Maria delle Grazie, 582, 595;
Sant’Ambrogio,446,447,447,454, 459
Miletos, 128, 145; Persians at, 118;
reconstruction of, 146
Millais, John Everett,810; work of, 809, 809
Millet, Jean-François,808,31-16A;work
of, 800–801, 800
Mimbres culture, 389–390
Minarets, 313, 345, 347–348,347,355, 357, 717
Minerva (Athena), 101, 118, 120,120,147,
149, 154; battling Alkyoneos,148;defeat
of, 137; Poseidon and, 129, 132; statue of,
126, 130, 176, 586
Ming dynasty, 718, 722, 732; art of, 723–728,
733; fall of, 733; map of,720;painting
of, 733
Ming gardens, 723,723,725, 734
Miniature paintings, Indian, 708, 709
Miniature Ships Fresco(Akrotiri),4-9A
Minimalism, 979–981, 985, 987, 1005, 1007,
1016, 1025
Minoans: architecture of, 84–85; art of, 82,
84–90, 97; painting of, 85–86, 88, 504;
sculpture of, 88–90, 97
Minor arts, 304, 408, 494
Minos, King, 82, 96, 248; labyrinth of, 97;
palace at Knossos and, 84
Minotaur, 82, 84, 85, 97, 105
Mint, Piazza San Marco, Venice (Sansovino),
22-31A, 22-39A, 25-3A

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