Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1083

Riace warrior, 121,121,122, 123, 125, 151
Ribera, José (Jusepe) de,671; work of,
666–667, 666
Richard de Bello:work of,18-44A
Richard the Lionhearted, 440, 442, 448
Richardson, Henry Hobson,851; work of,
849, 849
Richter, Hans: on Dadaists, 929
Riemenschneider, Tilman:work of, 535, 535
Rietveld, Gerrit Thomas:work of,
961–962, 961
Rifle Gap (Colorado), curtain at, 1015
Rigaud, Hyacinthe,697, 755; work of,696,
Rikyu, Sen No,742, 749; work of, 740, 740
Riley, Bridget:work of,36-11A
Ringgold, Faith,1025; work of, 994–995, 994
Rinpa School, 734, 742, 749,28-10A
Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice(Canaletto),
765, 765
Rivera, Diego,967,35-67A;work of,
959–960, 959
Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment
(exhibition), 996
Robie House (Wright), 965–966,965;
plan of, 965
Robusti, Jacopo.SeeTintoretto
Rock-cut buildings, 400, 400
Rock paintings, 889–890, 891, 891
Rockefeller, Abby Aldrich, 933, 954
Rockefeller, Nelson, 1019
Rococo, 750, 751–757, 760, 762, 766, 770,
784; architecture, 752, 754; art, 757, 775;
feminine look of, 753; painting, 763;
rebellion against, 769
Rodin, Auguste,851, 917,35-57A;on
movement in art/photography, 845; work
of, 844–845,845,31-32A
Roebling, John Augustus and
Wa s h i n g t o n :work of,30-48A
Rogers, Richard, 36-67A;work of,
1011, 1011
Rogier van der Weyden,522, 539, 613, 639,
23-14A;self-portrait of, 528; work of,
527,527,528–529,528, 529,20-8A
Roma, 272–273, 286
Roman Empire, 12, 46, 162, 166, 327, 419; bar-
barians and, 407; Christianity and, 407;
diversity of, 289; Egypt and, 53, 79, 155,
254, 275; Greek artists and, 153; map of,
238;Neoclassicism and, 779; rise of, 237
Roman history, outline of, 239
Roman house, 247; restored view/plan of, 247
Roman monarchy, 239, 287
Roman portraiture: propagandistic ends of,
255; role playing in, 254
Roman Republic, 231, 254, 777; architecture
of, 239–241; art of, 239–244; Greek art
and, 287; sculpture of, 242–244
Romanesque period, 419, 422, 428, 430, 431,
461, 462, 466, 495; architecture of, 447; art
of, 439, 443–445, 459; regional diversity
of, 433; sculpture of, 459; Tuscan, 509, 514
Romantic architecture, 810–813, 819
Romanticism, 774, 783, 784–798, 800;
appeal of, 790; foreshadowing, 781;
Neoclassicism and, 788; rise of, 777; roots
of, 784–785, 819; transition to, 784, 786
Rome: Arch of Constantine,238,282–283,
283, 291,569; Arch of Titus,238,262–263,
262, 263,266, 277; architecture of,
597–601; Basilica Nova,238,284–285,284,
574; Basilica Ulpia,264,265, 299, 422;
Baths of Caracalla, 277–278,277,313;
Baths of Diocletian,278,285; Campidoglio,
22-27A;Casino Rospigliosi, 662; Cata-
comb of Commodilla,11-5B;Catacomb of
Saints Peter and Marcellinus, 292,292,293;

Chapel of Pietro Vittrice, 660; Chapel of
Saint Ivo, 656–657,656;Circus Maximus,
238,264,10-47A;Colosseum,236, 238,
260–261,260,287, 567, 601; Column of
Antoninus Pius, 272–273,272,280, 281;
Column of Trajan,238, 264,265,265,287,
418, 425, 456, 457,10-44A;Contarelli
Chapel, 660; Cornaro Chapel,648,654,654;
Domus Aurea, 258–259,259,260, 275; fall
of, 311, 429; Forum of Augustus,238,257,
264; Forum of Julius Caesar,238;Forum of
Tr a j a n ,238,264–265,264,269, 275, 299;
Forum Romanum,238,262; founding of,
287; Fountain of the Four Rivers,24-4A;
Golden House, 251,251,258–259,259,
260, 264, 287; Markets of Trajan,238,266,
266;model of,238;New Saint Peter’s, 437,
585, 586, 599–600,599;Old Saint Peter’s,
298–299,298,309, 589, 591, 597, 599, 651,
652; Palazzo Barberini, 663; Palazzo
Farnese, 601,601,658, 660; Pantheon, 94,
238,267–269,267, 268,278, 280, 287, 300,
313, 314, 451, 563, 579, 599, 651, 653, 772,
773; Papal States and, 568–570; patronage
by, 577; princely court in, 568, 569;
Renaissance/Baroque monuments of, 598
(map); Saint Paul’s, 421, 432; Saint Peter’s,
421, 432, 591, 600,600,621, 622, 645,
650–653,650, 651, 652,655,702, 769, 770;
Saint Peter’s basilica, 415, 428, 569, 584;
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane,654,655,
655,671; Santa Constanza, 299–301,300,
302, 315, 329, 344, 451; Santa Maria degli
Angeli, 278,278;Santa Maria Maggiore,
301,301,303, 305, 309; Santa Sabina, 299,
424, 439,11-10A;Santa Susanna, 650,650,
655; Temple of Fortuna Virilis,238,239,
240;Temple of Portunus,238,239,240;
Temple of Venus and Roma,238,269; Via
Dino Compagni Catacomb,11-5A
Romulus and Remus, 231, 237, 239, 241, 272,
286, 287, 343
Ronchamp, Notre-Dame-du-Haut, 964, 1004,
1004, 1025
Rood, Ogden: on color theory, 832
Rose windows,460,464,467,472,472, 508
Rosenberg, Harold: on action painting, 974
Roshana Buddha, 214
Rossano Gospels,306; folio from, 306
Rossellino, Bernardo,567; work of,566,
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel:work of, 809–810,
Rothenberg, Susan:work of, 987–988, 988
Rothko, Mark,977, 1025; on abstract
expressionism, 972; work of, 975, 975
Röttgen Pietà,492–493, 493
Rotunda and Lawn, Monticello (Jefferson),
772, 773
Rouen: Cathedral of, 824, 851; Saint-Maclou,
478–479, 488, 495
Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (in Sun)
(Monet), 824, 824
Rousseau, Henri,851; work of, 840–841,
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 758, 775, 793;
Enlightenment and, 760, 784
Royal Cemetery at Ur, 31, 36, 58, 183;
cylinder seal from, 39
Royal Chapel, Versailles (Hardouin-
Mansart), 700, 700
Royal Pavilion at Brighton resort area
(Nash), 811, 811
Royal Polyglot Bible, 707
Royal Portal, Chartres,465,468, 476, 495;
jamb statues of, 466,467,472–473
Rubens, Peter Paul,10, 668, 669, 670, 678,
703, 755, 762, 792,22-39A, 25-14A,

30-15A;on Consequences of War,677;
work of, 9,9,674–677,675,676, 677,
25-2A, 25-3A
Rublyev, Andrei:work of, 338,338, 339
Rude, François, 31-31A;work of, 793, 793
Rue Transnonain(Daumier), 801, 801
Rufillus:Initial R,17-18A
Rufus, Quintus Curtius: on Babylon’s
hanging gardens, 48
Ruisdael, Jacob van:work of,25-18A
Rukupo, Raharuhi:work of,33-20A
Rule of Saint Benedict, 420, 436, 439, 458
Ruler 13 (Waxaklajuun-Ub’aah-K’awiil),
stele portraying, 373, 373
Rurutu, Polynesia: statue from,33-15A
Ruskin, John, 809, 831, 846
Russian art,12-33A
Russian Revolution, 909, 910, 949, 960
Ruysch, Rachel,679; work of, 690–691, 691
Ryoanji Temple, Kyoto,28-2A

Saarinen, Eero,1005, 1025; work of,
1004, 1005
Sacred Grove(Puvis de Chavannes),
838, 839
Sacrifice of Isaac(Brunelleschi), 543
Sacrifice of Isaac(Ghiberti), 543
Safavids (Iran), 357, 358, 359, 363
Saihoji temple and gardens,736, 737
Saint Agnes church, 300
Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons
(Schongauer), 538, 538
Saint Bavo Cathedral, 522, 524, 525, 686, 687
Saint Catherine, Thessaloniki, Greece,
Saint Catherine’s monastery, 321; icons at,
327; mosaic from, 322
Saint Cyriakus, 422, 433, 446; nave of,422,
Saint-Denis, 467, 468, 476, 485, 520;
ambulatory/radiating chapels of,463;
cross at, 493; French Gothic and, 462;
plan of,462;rebuilding of, 463; stained-
glass windows of, 472; Suger and,
462–464, 466, 493, 494, 495; vaults at,
464; west façade,18-2A
Saint Edmunds abbey,Bury Bibleand, 457
Saint Elizabeth, 490; choir,18-47A;interior
of, 490
Saint-Étienne, Caen, 453–454,454,459,
18-2A;plan of,454;vaults at, 464; west
facade of,453,464, 468
Saint-Étienne, Vignory, 433–434, 436;
interior of,433;plan of, 433
Saint Francis Altarpiece(Berlinghieri), 500,
500, 517
Saint Francis in the Desert(Giovanni Bellini),
Saint Francis Master:work of,19-5B
Saint Francis Preaching to the Birds(Saint
Francis Master),19-5B
Saint Gall monastery, 420–421, 423, 435;
plan of, 420
Saint Gata, bishop of, 662
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus:work of, 843, 843
Saint-Genis-des-Fontaines, abbey church,
Saint George, Church of, 400, 400
Saint George(Donatello), 546, 546
Saint George and the Dragon(Donatello),
546,546, 547
Saint James: naves of, 445; shrine of, 435,
437, 444, 459
Saint James, Santiago de Compostela, Spain,
Saint James Led to Martyrdom(Mantegna),
Saint John Altarpiece(Memling), 531

953, 987; American, 819, 932; Courbet on,
799; dismissal of, 839, 841, 851; French,
798–805, 933; Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood and, 809; rise of, 777
Realistic Manifesto, The(Gabo and
Pevsner), 949
Reclining Figure(Moore), 952, 952
Red Blue Green(Kelly), 976, 976
Red-figure painting, 115, 155
Red Plum Blossoms(Korin), 734
Red Room (Harmony in Red)(Matisse),
912,912, 913
Redon, Odilon,851; work of, 840, 840
Reed Painter:work of,5-58A
Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works
in Painting and Sculpture
(Winckelmann), 767
Reformation, 522, 533, 625; Catholic response
to, 649; launching of, 626; Luther and,
630–632; Protestants and, 647; visual
imagery and, 632
Regional style, 3
Regionalism, 957, 958
Registers, 35, 50
Regnaudin, Thomas:work of, 699–700, 699
Regolini-Galassi tomb, jewelry from,
224–225, 224
Reid, Bill:work of, 865,865,32-13A
Reims Cathedral, 476–477, 487, 490, 495,
497, 545,18-25A;jamb statues at,477;
nave,18-23A;west facade of, 476
Rekhmire: mural painting in funerary chapel
Relics, 299, 331, 350, 714; cult of, 432;
veneration of, 445.See alsoReliquaries
Relief prints, 537, 539
Relief sculptures, 11
Reliquaries, 163, 426, 449–450,449,489,
890–891,891,892, 892
Rembrandt van Rijn,6, 670, 703, 801, 808,
983,22-39A,31-16A, 36-3A;light and,
684–685; self-portraits by, 685; work of,
683–686,683, 684, 685, 686,25-14A,
Renaissance, 278, 296, 311, 407, 408; classical
culture and, 577; classical tradition and,
517; experimentalism of, 575; humanism
and, 577; scientific spirit of, 584; style,
516, 579, 812
Renaissance architecture, 514, 516, 562, 566;
Rome and, 597–601; Venice and, 602–604
Renaissance art, 223, 540, 549, 570, 581, 595;
Florence and, 623; imitation/emulation
in, 553; Rome and, 623; Venice and, 623;
women in, 611
Renaissance Italy, 323, 407; artistic training
in, 510
Reni, Guido,668; work of, 662–663, 663
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste,800, 829, 831, 918,
31-2B;Impressionism and, 851; on
painting, 827; work of, 827, 827
Rent Collection Courtyard(Ye Yushan), 730,
730, 733
Repoussé, 94, 224, 304, 305
Resettlement Administration (RA), 955, 956
Resurrection, 292, 293, 297, 331, 424, 426,
505, 508, 942
Resurrection(Piero della Francesca),
Retable de Champmol(Broederlam),
521–522,521, 539
Return of the Prodigal Son(Rembrandt), 684,
Revett, Nicholas: work of, 771
“Revolt against the City” essay (Wood), 957
Reynolds, Sir Joshua:work of, 763, 763
Rhodes: Sleeping Eros from,5-84A
Rhyton: from Hamadan,2-26A

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