10-68Portrait bust of Trajan Decius, 249–251 ce.Marble, full bust
2 7 high. Musei Capitolini, Rome.
This portrait of a short-lived “soldier emperor” depicts an older man
with bags under his eyes and a sad expression. The eyes glance away
nervously, reflecting the anxiety of an insecure ruler.
10-69Heroic portrait of Trebonianus Gallus, from Rome, Italy,
251–253 ce.Bronze, 7 11 high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
In this over-life-size heroically nude statue, Trebonianus Gallus projects
an image of brute force. He has the massive physique of a powerful
wrestler, but his face has a nervous expression.
10-70Battle of Romans and
barbarians (Ludovisi Battle
Sarcophagus), from Rome, Italy,
ca. 250–260 ce.Marble, 5high.
Museo Nazionale Romano–Palazzo
Altemps, Rome.
A chaotic scene of battle between
Romans and barbarians decorates
the front of this sarcophagus. The
sculptor piled up the writhing,
emotive figures in an emphatic
rejection of Classical perspective.
1 ft.
1 ft.
1 in.