Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

of reach of most missiles, includes machicolated galleries(galleries
with holes in their floors to allow the dumping of stones or hot liq-
uids on enemies below) built out on corbels(projecting supporting
architectural members) for defense of the tower’s base.

AMBROGIO LORENZETTIThe painter entrusted with the
vast fresco program in Siena’s Palazzo Pubblico was Pietro Lorenzetti’s
brother,Ambrogio Lorenzetti(active 1319–1348), who both elabo-

rated Pietro’s advances in illusionistic representation in spectacular
fashion and gave visual form to Sienese civic concerns. Ambrogio pro-
duced three frescoes for the walls of the Sala della Pace (Hall of Peace)
in the Palazzo Pubblico:Allegory of Good Government, Bad Govern-
ment and the Effects of Bad Government in the City,and Effects of Good
Government in the City and in the Country.The turbulent politics of
the Italian cities—the violent party struggles, the overthrow and rein-
statement of governments—certainly would have called for solemn

19-16Ambrogio Lorenzetti,Peaceful City,detail from Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country,Sala della Pace, Palazzo
Pubblico, Siena, Italy, 1338–1339. Fresco.

In the Hall of Peace of Siena’s city hall, Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted an illusionistic panorama of the bustling city. The fresco served as an allegory
of good government in the Sienese republic.

19-17Ambrogio Lorenzetti,Peaceful Country,detail from Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country,Sala della Pace, Palazzo
Pubblico, Siena, Italy, 1338–1339. Fresco.

This sweeping view of the Sienese countryside is one of the first appearances of landscape in Western art since antiquity. An allegorical figure of
winged Security promises safety to all who live under the rule of law.

512 Chapter 19 ITALY,1200 TO 1400

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