Biology (Holt)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Alcoholic Fermentation
In other organisms, the three-carbon pyruvate is broken down to
ethanol (ethyl alcohol), a two-carbon compound, through alcoholic fer-
mentation. Carbon dioxide is released during the process. As shown in
Figure 15, alcoholic fermentation is a two-step process. First, pyruvate
is converted to a two-carbon compound, releasing carbon dioxide.
Second, electrons are transferred from a molecule of NADH to the two-
carbon compound, producing ethanol. As in lactic acid fermentation,
NADis recycled, and glycolysis can continue to produce ATP.
Alcoholic fermentation by yeast, a fungus, has been used in the
preparation of many foods and beverages. Wine and beer contain
ethanol made during alcoholic fermentation by yeast. Carbon
dioxide released by the yeast causes the rising of bread dough and
the carbonation of some alcoholic beverages, such as beer. Ethanol
is actually toxic to yeast. At a concentration of about 12 percent
ethanol kills yeast. Thus, naturally fermented wine contains about
12 percent ethanol.

SECTION 3 Cellular Respiration 109

Muscle Fatigue and Endurance Training

nyone who runs or exercises
for a long period of time
soon learns about muscle fatigue.
As you continue vigorous exer-
cise, the muscles you are using
become fatigued—that is, tired
and less able to generate force.
The reasons for muscle fatigue are
not fully understood, but in most
cases the fatigue increases when
the production of lactic acid by
the exercising muscle increases.
Anaerobic Threshold
Why does an exercising muscle
produce lactic acid? A resting
muscle obtains most of its energy
from aerobic respiration. A con-
tinuously exercising muscle, how-
ever, soon depletes its available
oxygen. At this point, called the
anaerobic threshold, the exercis-
ing muscle begins to obtain the
ATP needed anaerobically. In the
absence of oxygen, glycolysis
extracts the required ATP from
glycogen in the muscle. Glycogen

is a storable form of glucose
that acts as an energy reserve.
Glycolysis converts the muscle
glycogen to pyruvate, which is
then fermented to lactic acid.
The ability to perform con-
tinuous exercise is limited by
the body’s stored glycogen. So,
physical endurance can increase
if glycogen stored in muscles is
spared during exercise. Trained
athletes such as cyclist Lance
Armstrong, shown at right, get a
relatively large portion of their
energy from aerobic respiration.
Thus, their muscle glycogen
reserve is depleted more slowly
than that in untrained individuals.
In fact, the greater the level of
physical training, the higher the
proportion of energy the body
derives from aerobic respiration.
Athletic Endurance
Endurance-trained athletes gen-
erally have more muscle mass
than untrained people. But it is

endurance-trained athletes’ high
aerobic capacity—rather than
their greater muscle mass—that
allows these athletes to exercise
more before lactic acid produc-
tion and glycogen depletion
cause muscle fatigue.
Topic:Anaerobic Threshold


Lance Armstrong
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