Biology (Holt)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
58 CHAPTER 3Cell Structure






Smooth ER

Rough ER

Cell membrane


Nuclear pore
Nuclear envelope

Figure 7 Animal cell. Like
all eukaryotic cells, animal cells
contain a cell membrane, a
nucleus, and other organelles.

Eukaryotic Cells
The first cells with internal compartments were primitive eukaryotic
cells, which evolved about 1.5 billion years ago. A (yoo
KAIR ee oht) is an organism whose cells have a nucleus. The
(NOO klee uhs) is an internal compartment that houses the
cell’s DNA. Other internal compartments, or organelles, enable
eukaryotic cells to function in ways different from prokaryotes. An
is a structure that carries out specific activities in the cell.
The major organelles in an animal cell are shown in Figure 7. The
cytoplasm includes everything inside the cell membrane but outside
the nucleus. A complex system of internal membranes connects the
organelles within the cytoplasm. These membranes provide chan-
nels that guide the distribution of substances within the cell. The
membranes also form envelopes called vesiclesthat move proteins
and other molecules from one organelle to another.
Many single-celled eukaryotes use flagella for movement. Short
hairlike structures called (SIL ee uh) protrude from the surface
of some eukaryotic cells. Flagella or cilia propel some cells through
their environment. In other cells, cilia and flagella move substances
across the cell’s surface. For example, cilia on cells of the human res-
piratory system, shown in Figure 8,sweep mucus and other debris
out of the lungs.
A web of protein fibers, shown in Figure 9, makes up the
cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton holds the cell together and keeps the
cell’s membranes from collapsing. The fluid surrounding the cyto-
plasm’s organelles, internal membranes, and cytoskeleton fibers is
called the cytosol.





Figure 8 Cilia.Cilia on
cells lining the respiratory
system remove debris from
air passages.

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