CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Lesson Summary

  • Driven by mantle convection, the plates of lithosphere move around Earth’s surface.
    New oceanic crust forms at the ridge and pushes the older seafloor away from the ridge

  • Plates interact at three different types of plate boundaries, divergent, convergent and
    transform fault boundaries, which are where most of the Earth’s geologic activity takes

  • These processes acting over long periods of time are responsible for the geographic
    features we see.

Review Questions

  1. What are the three types of plate boundaries? For each type, what sort of geologic
    activity do you find?

  2. As a working geologist, you come across a landscape with a massive fault zone that
    produces lots of large earthquakes, but has no volcanoes. What type of plate boundary
    have you come across? What are the movements of plates relative to each other at
    type of boundary? Where would you find a plate boundary of this type in California?

  3. You continue on your geologic tour to a location where there is a chain of volcanoes
    on land, but not too far inland from the edge of the continent. The region experiences
    frequent large earthquakes. What type of plate boundary have you come across? What
    types of plates are involved? Where would you find a plate boundary of this type in

  4. What is the driving force behind the movement of lithospheric plates on the Earth’s
    surface? About how fast do the plates move?

  5. How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the locations of volcanoes, earthquakes
    and mountain belts on Earth?

  6. Thinking about the different types of plate boundaries, explain why continental crust
    is much thicker than oceanic crust.

  7. Why are there few (if any) volcanoes along transform plate boundaries?


batholith An enormous body of granitic rock that is formed from a large number of plu-

continental arc A line of volcanoes sitting on a continental plate and aligned above a
subducting oceanic plate near a deep sea trench.

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