CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The amounts of gases and their ratios are calculated to help predict eruptions.

Remote Monitoring

As mentioned, some gases can be monitored using satellite technology (Figure8.20). Satel-
lites are able to measure other factors, too, like temperature readings of particularly warm
spots at a volcano site or areas where the volcano surface is changing. As our technology
continues to improve, scientists are better able to detect changes accurately and safely.

Figure 8.20: An Earth-Observation Satellite before launch. ( 8 )

Although monitoring methods are getting better and better, it is still difficult to predict a
volcanic eruption with certainty. No scientist or government agency wants to be considered
alarmist by announcing that an eruption is going to occur and then it really doesn’t. The
cost and disruption to society of a large-scale evacuation would leave many people displeased
and the scientists embarrassed. However, the possibility of saving lives and property most
certainly makes the pursuit of eruption prediction a worthy cause.

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