CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. What are three names for non-explosive lava?

  2. What factors are considered in predicting volcanic eruptions?

  3. Why is predicting volcanoes so important?

  4. Giventhatastronomersarefarawayfromthesubjectstheystudy, whatevidencemight
    they look for to determine the composition of a planet on which a volcano is found?

Further Reading / Supplemental Links


active volcano A volcano that is currently erupting or just about to erupt.

dormant volcano A volcano that is not currently erupting, but that has erupted in the
recorded past.

effusive eruption A relatively gentle, non-explosive volcanic eruption.

eruption The release of magma onto the Earth’s surface. Usually an eruption is accom-
panied by the release of gases as well.

explosive eruption Avolcaniceruptionthatreleaseslargeamountsofgas, sothatmagma
is violently thrown up into the air.

extinct volcano A volcano that has not erupted in recorded history, and is considered
unlikely to erupt again.

magma chamber A region within Earth surrounded by solid rock and containing magma.

pyroclast A rock made up of fragments of volcanic rock thrown into the air by volcanic

viscosity The “thickness” or “stickiness” of a liquid. The more viscous a liquid is, the
harder it will be for the liquid to flow.

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