CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
large areas when they erupt.

Review Questions

  1. Rank the four types of volcanoes in order from smallest to largest in diameter.

  2. What factor is most important in determining the type of volcano formed in a given

  3. Which type of volcano is most common?

  4. Why is it that pahoehoe and a’a lava are more frequent in shield volcanoes than in
    composite volcanoes?

  5. Why do you think that cinder cones are short-lived?

  6. If supervolcanoes are so big, why do you think it took so long for scientists to discover


caldera Circular-shaped geographic features formed from a massive eruption of an ancient
volcano, and the subsequent collapse of the volcano back into the ground.

cinder cone A smaller volcano that grows rapidly but only erupts over a short period
of the time. Cinder cones are composed of small rock fragments piled on top of one
another. They rarely are more than 300 m in height.

composite volcano A volcano with a broad base, steep sides, and often a crater at the
top. The volcano is composed of alternating layers of ash and lava flows. Also called
a stratovolcano.

strata Layers of rock that are similar in composition to one another.

supervolcano Amassivevolcaniceruptionthatisrarebutincrediblypowerful. Thousands
of cubic kilometers of matter can be ejected, and the dust and ash from their eruption
can cool the world’s climate for years.

Points to Consider

  • Composite volcanoes and volcanic cones usually have craters on the top. Why are the
    craters not always circular, but sometimes “U” or horseshoe-shaped?

  • A shield volcano is relatively flat, and a composite volcano is relatively steep because
    of the type of magma that creates them. What process might create a volcano that is
    more steep than a shield volcano but not as steep as a composite volcano?

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