CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

soil horizon An individual layer of a complete soil profile; examples include A, B & C

soil profile The entire set of soil layers or horizons for a particular soil.

subsoil The B horizon of a soil; the zone where iron oxides and clay minerals accumulate.

topsoil The A horizon of a soil; most fertile layer of soil where humus, plant roots & living
organisms are found.

transported soil A soil formed from weathered components transported by water, wind
or ice to a different area.

Points to Consider

  • Why is soil such an important resource?

  • Do you think a mature soil would form faster from unaltered bedrock or from trans-
    ported materials?

  • Ifsoilerosionishappeningatagreaterratethannewsoilcanform, whatwilleventually
    happen to the soil in that region?

  • Do you think there are pollutants that could not easily be removed from soil?

Image Sources

(1) Julie Sandeen.. CC-BY-SA.

(2) CC-BY-SA.

(3) CC-BY-SA.

(4) Julie Sandeen.. CC-BY-SA.


(6) CC-BY-SA.

(7) Julie Sandeen.. CC-BY-SA.

(8) CC-BY-SA.
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