CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

dissolved load The elements carried in solution by a stream.

distributaries Smaller branching channels that spread out over the surface of a delta.

floodplain Broad, flat lying plain surrounding a stream channel; created by the stream.

gradient The slope of a stream.

groundwater Water that moves through pore spaces and fractures in soil and rock.

meander A bend or curve in a stream channel.

natural levees Coarse grained deposits of sediments that build up along a stream’s banks
as it floods.

saltation The intermittent movement of bed load particles, as they are carried by the flow
and then settle back down.

sinkhole Circular hole in the ground that forms as the roof of a cave collapses.

stalactite Aniciclelikeformationofcalciumcarbonatethatformsassaturatedwaterdrips
from the ceiling of a cave.

stalagmite Rounded, cone shaped formation of calcium carbonate that forms in caves as
water drips onto the floor.

suspended load Solid particles that are carried in the main stream flow.

travertine Beautiful deposit of calcium carbonate that forms around hot springs.

Points to Consider

  • Woulda stream that begins at high elevationbe likelyto do more erosion than a stream
    that begins at lower elevations?

  • What differences would there be on the Earth’s surface without rivers and streams?

  • Do you think a flash flood along a normally dry river valley would be a dangerous

  • Do you think caves could form in your neighborhood?

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