CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

bed load The portion of sand carried by wind as grains roll, bump and jump along the
ground surface.

deflation The process of wind removing finer grains of silt and clay; causes the ground
surface to subside.

desert pavement Rocky, pebbled surface created as finer silts and clays are removed by

desert varnish Dark mineral coating that forms on stable, exposed rock surfaces as wind-
borne clays are deposited.

loess Extremely fine grained, windborne deposit of silts & clays; forms nearly vertical cliffs.

petroglyphs Rock carvings formed by cutting into desert varnish of exposed rock surfaces.

saltation Movement of sand sized particles by rolling, bumping and jumping along the
ground surface.

sand dune Deposit of sand formed in regions of abundant sand and constant winds.

slip face Steeper, downwind side of a dune; region where sand grains fall down from the
crest of the dune.

suspended load Particles of silt and clay carried in the air by the energy of winds.

ventifacts Polished, faceted stones formed by abrasion of sand particles.

Points to Consider

  • Do you think strong hurricane winds along a coastline would produce wind related

  • Whatwouldbeneededtoconvertadesertareabacktoaproductiveregionforfarming?

  • Do you think wind could sculpt exposed rocks? Explain how this might happen.

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