CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

cirque Steep sided, bowl shaped depression formed as a glacier plucks and erodes under-
lying bedrock.

drumlin An asymmetrical hill formed from sediments under the flowing glacier.

end moraine Unsorted pile of glacial till that marks the furthest reach of a glacier’s ad-

esker Long, curving, upside down ‘V’ shaped ridge of sediment deposited under a glacier
by meltwater.

glacial erratic Large boulder with a different rock type or origin from the surrounding

glacial striations Long,parallelscratchescarvedintounderlyingbedrockbymovingglaciers.

glacial till Any unsorted deposit of sediment deposited by glacial ice.

ground moraine Thick layer of sediment deposited under a flowing glacier.

horn Sharp sided, angular peak formed as glaciers move away from a central peak.

kettle Lake Often circular lake formed in the outwash plain by stranded ice.

moraine Deposit of unsorted, rocky material on, under or left behind by glacial ice.

plucking Removal of blocks of underlying bedrock by the glacier as meltwater seeps into
cracks & freezes.

roche moutonnée Asymmetrical hill of bedrock formed by abrasion and plucking of the
moving glacier.

rock flour Fine sediments produced by abrasion of glaciers scrape over bedrock.

tarn Mountain lake formed by glacial meltwater and precipitation.

varve Paired deposit of light colored, coarser sediments and darker, fine grained sediments.

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