CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Figure 10.54: Material that slumps down a hillside often moves as a whole unit, leaving
behind a crescent shaped scar. ( 3 )

way, it is likely that the ground is slowly moving down hill (Figure10.55). Tilted telephone
or power company poles are also signs that this type of motion is occurring.

Prevention and Awareness

Landslides cause $1-2 billion damage in the United States each year and cause traumatic and
sudden loss of life and homes in many areas of the world. Wherever you live, it is important
to be aware of your surroundings and notice the changes in the natural world that occur.
In times of heavy rainfall, look for areas of soil that are unusually wet, cracks or bulges in
soil along hillsides, tilting of decks or patios, leaning poles or fences. Even sticking windows
and doors can mean that the ground is moving. As soil pushes slowly against a house it can
put pressure on the walls that knocks windows and doors out of plumb. Areas that are very
likely to produce landslides are places where they have occurred before, at the top or bottom
of a steep slope and anywhere where slopes have been steepened for construction of homes
or roads. You can help to prevent landslides around your home by planting vegetation and
trees along slopes to help hold soil in place. Different types of retaining walls can help to
keep a slope stable. It is important to install good drainage in a hill that is near a home or
road to keep the soil from getting saturated. Loss of life and property can be minimized or
prevented with good planning and awareness.

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