CK-12 Understanding Biodiversity

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

11.12. Sylvilagus audubonii: Audubon’s Cottontail Rabbit

11.12 Sylvilagus audubonii: Audubon’s Cotton-

tail Rabbit

Common Name

  • Audubon’s Cottontail Rabbit

  • Desert Cottontail


Sylvilagus auduboniiis the common cottontail rabbit. The length of the cottontail is 372mm- 397mm, and the weight
ofS. auduboniiis an average of 755-1250g. The females are larger than the males. Being that they are mammals,
this species has fur. They have rufous (reddish-brown) fur on the nape of their neck.S. auduboniiare hunted for
their meat and fur. They have good hearing though it’s not because of their large ears.

The complete taxonomic classification is:

  • Kingdom: Animalia

  • Phylum: Chordata

  • Class: Mammalia

  • Order: Lagomorpha

  • Family: Leporidae

  • Genus:Sylvilagus

  • Species:S. audubonii

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