CK-12 Understanding Biodiversity

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 14. Understanding Biodiversity: Animals: Invertebrates

14.2 Danaus plexippus: Monarch Butterfly

Common Name

  • Monarch Butterfly

  • Milkweed Butterfly


The monarch butterfly has a black outline, and inside of the black border is orange color. On the edge there are white
dots. Altogether, it looks like a stained glass window. The monarch weighs between .0095 to 0.026 ounces and is
about 4 inches wide when the wings are open.

Man affects the monarch butterfly by using the fields and meadows that they live in to make buildings, so the
butterfly’s home is taken away.

The complete taxonomic classification is:

  • Kingdom: Animalia

  • Phylum: Arthropoda

  • Class: Insecta

  • Order: Lepidoptera

  • Family: Nymphalidae

  • Genus:Danaus

  • Species:D. plexippus

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