CK-12 Understanding Biodiversity

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

11.5. Lynx rufus: Bay Lynx

11.5 Lynx rufus: Bay Lynx

Common Name

  • Wildcat

  • Bay Lynx

  • Barred Bobcat

  • Pallid Bobcat

  • Redlynx


The bobcat is a wild cat that weighs about 7 to 10 kg or 15 to 20 pounds. The bobcats’ colors are brown, with black
spots. It has the appearance of a large house cat, but with a short signature bobtail. Their colors can vary; the brown
can be a reddish-brown to yellowish-brown, with spots being black to grey. Its spots fade with age.

The complete taxonomic classification is:

  • Kingdom: Animalia

  • Phylum: Chordate

  • Class: Mammalia

  • Order: Carnivora

  • Family: Felidae

  • Genus:Lynx

  • Species:Lynx rufus


The bobcats’ habitats are fairly varied. With this it can go about its business very easily. The general home range
of the bobcat is about 100 square km. The bobcat’s range can vary depending on how much resources there are.
It can range from about 2 square km to over 100 square km. The home range is where the bobcat finds its food,
while the territory is the space that the bobcat protects most. The male and female mark their territories with scent
markings. Due to the animal’s great sense of smell, it not only will remember its home, but other bobcats’. It picks
its range near its prey for more efficient hunting. When a bobcat shelters, it likes to stay in high areas so it can get an
advantage on prey. Its shelters are small little holes/caves in which they keep warm, while simple to make and keep.

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