Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4.3. Planes II

Figure C.4:Air flow behind a plane. Photo by NASA Langley Research Center.

The sausage’s mass is

msausage=density×volume=ρvtAs. (C. 3 )

Let’s say the whole sausage is moving down with speedu, and figure out whatuneeds to be in order for the plane to
experience a lift force equal to its weight mg. The downward momentum of the sausage created in timetis

mass×velocity=msausageu=ρvtAsu. (C. 4 )

And by Newton’s laws this must equal the momentum delivered by the plane’s weight in timet, namely,

mgt. (C. 5 )

Rearranging this equation,

ρvtAsu=mgt, (C. 6 )

we can solve for the required downward sausage speed,



Interesting! The sausage speed is inversely related to the plane’s speedv. A slow-moving plane has to throw down
air harder than a fast-moving plane, because it encounters less air per unit time. That’s why landing planes, travelling
slowly, have to extend their flaps: so as to create a larger and steeper wing that deflects air more.

What’s the energetic cost of pushing the sausage down at the required speedu? The power required is

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