CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Whilewe couldeasilyintegratethe right side and then differentiate,the FundamentalTheoremenablesus
to find the answervery routinely.

This applicationof the FundamentalTheorembecomesmoreimportantas we encounterfunctionsthat may
be moredifficult to integratesuchas the followingexample.
Use the FundamentalTheoremto find the derivativeof the followingfunction:

In this example,the integralis moredifficult to evaluate.The FundamentalTheoremenablesus to find the


  1. We usedthe FundamentalTheoremof Calculusto evaluatedefiniteintegrals.

FundamentalTheoremof Calculus
Let be continuouson the closedinterval

  1. If function is definedby , on then on

  2. If is any antiderivativeof on then

We first note that we havealreadyprovenpart 2 as Theorem4.1.
Proofof Part 1.

  1. Consider on

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