CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

where is the initialdisplacementof the spring( if the springis initiallyunstretched)and is the
final displacement.A forceof is exertedon a springand stretchesit beyondits naturallength.

(a) Find the springconstant

(b) How muchworkis requiredto stretchthe spring beyondits naturallength?

  1. Whena forceof is appliedto a spring,it stretchesit from a lengthof to How much
    workwill be donein stretchingthe springfrom to? (Hint:read the first part of problem#4

  2. A flat surfaceis submergedverticallyin a fluid of weightdensity If the weightdensity is doubled,
    is the forceon the platealso doubled?Explain.

  3. The bottomof a rectangularswimmingpool,whosebottomis an inclinedplane,is shownbelow. Calculate
    the fluid forceon the bottomof the pool whenit is filled completelywith water.

Figure 29

  1. Suppose is the probabilitydensityfunctionfor the lifetimeof a manufacturer’s light bulb,where
    is measuredin hours.Explainthe meaningof eachintegral.



  1. The lengthof time a customerspendswaitinguntil his/herentreis servedat a certainrestaurantis modeled
    by an exponentialdensityfunctionwith an averagetime of minutes.

(a) Whatis the probabilitythat a customeris servedin the first minutes?

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