CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Fromreadingthe first sentencein the problem,we learnthat the bacteriais increasingexponentially.
Therefore,the exponentialgrowthformulais the correctmodelto use.

  1. Just like we did in the previousexample,we need to first find the growth rate. Noticethat
    and Substitutingand solvingfor


Dividingboth sidesby and then projectingthe naturallogarithmon both sides,

Now that we havefound we wantto knowhow manywill be thereafter hours.Substituting,

  1. We are lookingfor the time requiredfor the populationto double.This meansthat we are lookingfor the
    time at which Substituting,

Solvingfor requirestakingthe naturallogarithmof both sides:


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