CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

b. Whatis the soundlevel (in ) of a soundwhoseintensityis?

  1. Referringto problem#6, a singlemosquito metersawayfrom a personmakesa soundthat is barely
    heardby the person(threshold ). Whatwill be the soundlevel of mosquitoesat the samedis-

  2. Referringbackto problem#6, a noisymachineat a factoryproducesa soundlevel of If an iden-
    tical machineis placedbesideit, whatis the combinedsoundlevel of the two machines?

  3. a. millionb. 2077

  4. Hint: use

  5. seconds,about minutes

  6. grams

  7. a. b.

Derivativesand IntegralsInvolvingInverseTrigonometricFunctions

A studentwill be able to:

  • Learnthe basicpropertiesinversetrigonometricfunctions.

  • Learnhow to use the derivativeformulato use themto find derivativesof inversetrigonometricfunctions.

  • Learnto solvecertainintegralsinvolvinginversetrigonometricfunctions.
    A QuickAlgebraicReviewof InverseTrigonometricFunctions
    You alreadyknowwhata trigonometricfunctionis, but whatis an inversetrigonometricfunction?If we ask
    whatis equalto, the answeris That is simpleenough.But whatif we ask whatanglehas
    a sine of (1/2)? That is an inverse trigonometric function. So we say but
    The “ ” is the notationfor the inverseof the sine function.For everyone of
    the six trigonometricfunctionsthereis an associatedinversefunction.Theyare denotedby

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