CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Example 2 Solvethe differentialequation.

Solution. We have and a substitution gives


  1. Solvethe differentialequation with.

  2. Solvethe differentialequation.

Hint: Let.
The next type of differentialequationwhereanalyticsolutionare rela- tivelyeasyis whenthe dependence

of on and are separable: where is the productof a
functionsof and respectively. The solutionis in the form. Here is never or
the valuesof in the solutionswill be restrictedby where.
Example 1 Solvethe differentialequationy'=xywith the initialconditiony(0) = 1.

Solution.Separatingxandyturnsthe equationin differentialform. Integratingboth sides,we


Theny(0) = 1 gives , i.e.C= 0 and.


Therefore,the solutionsare.
HereQ(y) =yis 0 wheny= 0 and the valuesofyin the solutionssatisfyy> 0 ory< 0.

Example2.Solvethe differentialequation 2 xy'= 1 - y^2.

Solution.Separatingxandyturnsthe equationin differentialform

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