CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Recallthat |an-L| <εmeansthe valuesofansuchthatL-ε<an<L+ε.

Whatdoesthe definitionof the limit of a sequencemean?Hereis anotherexample.
Example 5
Lookat Figure3.

Figure3 showsthe graphof the sequence. Noticethat fromNon, the termsof are between
L-εandL+ε. In otherwords,for this valueofε, thereis a valueNsuchthat all termsofanare in the in-

tervalfromL-εandL+ε. Thus,.
Not everysequencehas a limit.
Example 6
Hereis a graphof the sequence{n+ 1}.

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