Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

152 ChaPTER 6 | GrowinG painS | period three 175 4 –18 0 0

aPPlyI Ng aP® historical Thinking Skills

sKill review historical Causation and historical

Answer the following prompt using the four documents above and your knowledge of the
time period between 1763 and 1787. Consult your textbook and class notes to help you
answer the question.

To what extent did internal migration in North America stimulate conflicts between
migrants and the established societies that they left?

Your response should include an introductory paragraph with a thesis (see Chapter 1)
and at least two body paragraphs, each of which must include a main point and supporting
points. (See Building AP® Writing Skills, p. 25, for examples of claims and evidence.) Be
sure to decide which organizational format will be better for your response—subject-by-
subject (see Building AP® Writing Skills, p. 51) or point-by-point (see Building AP® Writing
Skills, p. 81).

For a review of historical causation and historical argumentation, see the Applying AP®
Historical Thinking Skills features on pages 21 and 108.

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