Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
232 Chapter 9 | Expansionism: part 1 | period Four 180 0 –1848

Step 4 Outline your response

Determine your organizational approach. Use both inductive and deductive
methods of organization in your response.
To develop full, coherent outlines, think of an outline in anatomical terms, as
both the skeleton of your essay and the muscles that surround that skeleton. The
organizational approach (whether an inductive or a deductive model) acts as the
skeleton. This is only one part of the outline.
The muscle of your outline supports your claims with at least two substantive
pieces of evidence. Having only one example may oversimplify your claim. In
your outline, each body paragraph would have the following:

Claim 1 (which becomes the first sentence of the body paragraph)
A. Evidence 1 with explanation

B. Evidence 2 with explanation

Claim 2 (which may represent an inductive or a deductive method)
A. Evidence 1 with explanation

B. Evidence 2 with explanation

I. Introduction

The introduction can feature a working thesis that introduces the differ-
ent types of debates and offers reasons that some political debates lent
themselves more readily to issues of morality.

II. Political debates with a moral consideration (claim)

Individual body paragraphs follow an inductive model. The example is
cited and is followed by a statement about the nation’s perspective on
morality. It is helpful to classify the political debates in a reasonable way.
This outline suggests debates with and without moral consideration, but
you also may organize the debates as a continuum where you look at
them as increasingly or decreasingly moral. Either way, the debates you
discuss will be your evidence.

III. Political debates without a moral consideration (claim and evidence)

IV. Conclusion

The final paragraph represents a deductive model. Based on the prior
examples, the essay reaches a concluding statement about the level of
morality within political debates in this country.

Step 5 Draft your essay

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