Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
288 ChapTER 12 | War and eManCipation | period Five 18 44 –1877 TopIC II | tot al Wa r^289

pR aCTICIng historical Thinking

Identify: What does Grant say about Abraham Lincoln? Is this a compliment?
Analyze: Compare Grant’s description of himself to his description of Lincoln. Who
comes across as a more formidable force?
Evaluate: Using knowledge from your notes and textbook, develop a position on
whether Lincoln’s greatness in history depended largely on the strengths of his
subordinates, such as Grant and Secretary of State William H. Seward. Consult
your notes and textbook to assist you.

document 12.7 call for black Troops

In this recruitment poster, black troops who enlist and serve in the Union army are assured
protection and compensation by the federal government.


researchers/Science Source.

pR aCTICIng historical Thinking

Identify: Summarize the various ways the poster appeals to the viewer.
Analyze: To what extent are the ideals of freedom the main attraction of this
Evaluate: What does the poster tell us about the government’s perception of Afri-
can Americans’ needs and interests?

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