Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


AP® Ke y
concePts PAge

Topic I: The Western War against Native Peoples

14.1 Columbus Delano, Testimony before the House
Committee on Military Affairs

6.2 II A, C 329

14.2 General Philip Sheridan, Description of Custer’s Battlefield 6.2 II B, C 330

14.3 “ Educating the Indians,” Frank Leslie’s Illustrated

6.2 II C 331

14.4 Dawes Allotment Act 6.2 II C 332

14.5 “Consistency,” Puck 6.2 II C 332

Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills
Skill Review: Contextualization and Comparison

Thinking Skill 2.5,
Thinking Skill 2.4


Topic II: The New Urban Environment

14.6 Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull House 6.2 I A, B, C, D 335

14.7 George Washington Plunkitt, “Honest Graft and Dishonest

6.2 I D 336

14.8 Forrester B. Washington, A Study of Negro Employees of
Apartment Houses in New York City

6.2 I C 337

Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills
Skill Review: Interpretation and Synthesis

Thinking Skill 4.8,
Thinking Skill 4.9


The Throes of


Chapter 14

P e r i oD



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