Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

330 chaPTEr 14 | the throes oF assimiLation | period six 1865 –1898

Document 14.3 “educating the indians,” Frank Leslie’s
Illustrated Newspaper

In this image from the cover of Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, a Native American
woman is greeted by friends and family members when she returns from a government
school that taught her Western subjects and values.

PracTIcINg historical Thinking

Identify: Identify the most prominent contrasts in this image.
Analyze: How do these contrasts reflect the overall argument of the image?
Evaluate: To what extent did education become a force for assimilation during the
latter half of the nineteenth century? Use your classroom notes and textbook for
support here.

Library of Congress

prints and

photographs Division,



ToPIc I | the Western War against native peoples 331

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