Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


AP® Ke y
concePts PAge

topic I: the Consumer’s City

16.1 United States Strike Commission, Report on the Chicago

7.1 I C 363

16.2 Louis Gilrod and David Meyrowitz, “A Boychik Up-to-Date” 7.1 I A, B 364

16.3 Luna Park, Coney Island 7.1 I B 365

16.4 Two Women Reading Employment Advertisements 7.1 I B 366

Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills
Skill Review: Contextualization

Thinking Skill 2.5 367

topic II: the progressive Critique and New Deal response

16.5 Lincoln Steffens, The Shame of the Cities 7.1 II A 369

16.6 Upton Sinclair, The Jungle 7.1 II B 371

16.7 Ida M. Tarbell, The Business of Being a Woman 7.1 II A 372

16.8 Clifford K. Berryman, “Dr. New Deal” 7.1 I C, 7.1 III A 373

16.9 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Message to Congress on Making the
Civilian Conservation Corps a Permanent Agency

7.1 III C 374

16.10 Clifford K. Berryman, “Old Reliable” 7.3 III B 376

16.11 Charles Fusco, Interview on the New Deal 7.1 III B, C 377

Applying AP® Historical Thinking Skills
Skill Review: Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time

Thinking Skill 1.2 378

Prosperity and reform

Chapter 16

P e r i oD


1890 –1945

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