Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

390 ChApTEr 17 | ChaLLenGes to the statUs QUo | period seven 1890 –1945

p rACTICINg historical Thinking

Identify: When does the speaker feel “colored”? When does it matter to her?
Analyze: In the title of this piece, what does the author mean by “colored me”?
Evaluate: To what extent does this essay advocate or oppose assimilation into
mainstream culture? Explain.

ApplyINg Ap® historical Thinking Skills

sKill review Continuity and Change over Time,
Contextualization, and Historical argumentation

Answer the following prompt in the form of a complete essay, using the documents above,
your textbook, and your class notes for historical context:

Accept, modify, or refute this statement: The first thirty years of the twentieth cen-
tury represented a new era in American history.

steP 1 Determine continuity or change over time
Establish a graphic organizer that determines whether the documents above represented
more of continuity or more of change, and why.


Continuity and

Change and

Doc. 17.1, Chicago Streetcar, 1900

Doc. 17.2, “Our Superb 1914 Model Peerless Bicycle,”

Doc. 17.3, Model T Fords Coming Off the Assembly
Line, 1900

Doc. 17.4, Clarence Darrow versus William Jennings
Bryan, 1925

Doc. 17.5, F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 1925

Doc. 17.6, Zora Neale Hurston, “How It Feels to Be
Colored Me,” 1928

steP 2 Contextualize
For each why statement that you provided above, contextualize the era. You may choose
local forms of context (such as political, economic, and social contexts) or broad contexts
(such as the themes of peopling, identity, and work, exchange, and technology).

TopIC I | modernity 391

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